API key

To follow along you either have to generate an API key OR use the one I have in the course. I recommend creating your own though!

API documentation

This is a super important part of making API requests and is something I highly recommend having side by side when doing requests. For the full documentation of the API we are using, you can find it on https://developers.themoviedb.org/3.

Dart Define

This is a super handy command if you want to pass a value to your application to be then used as you want. There is a great blog about it here as well as I got a video on it on my YouTube channel here (a bit old but still works).

When you start adding more dart-define variables it can be nice to not have to do it through the command line and in that case I recommend writing it in the config file for VSCode if that is your editor. Here is an example of how that can be done.